With the coming of Spring, it’s time to brighten up our Church Campus again. This year we’re planning a Workday on Saturday, April 5th to do a lot of the annual cleaning, weeding, planting and other things so we’re ready for Easter. Be there at 9:00am for donuts and coffee. Bring your garden gloves and any yard work tools that you have. The more we have the more that gets done.
No signups for the Workday, just show up!
We also have year-round needs for you to consider. We always need volunteers throughout the year. For those who would like to help periodically here’s a list of some of the areas that need care.
* Mow weeds in fields around the church – 4 or 5 times a year; on a riding mower, takes about 2-3 hours each time.
* Spray weeds in parking lot and around the campus – 2 or 3 times a year; about 1-2 hours each time.
* Blow leaves and debris from parking lot – 2 or 3 times a year; about 1-2 hours each time.
* Weeding – 2 or 3 times a year; about 1-2 hours each time.
* Pick up liter around the campus – 1 or 2 times a month; about a half-hour to an hour each time.
If you’re interested in helping with some of these needs periodically, talk to Emmett Hibbard.